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Overture Band Wingra School 4th Grade -- Beginner French Horn

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French Horn Care Kit - Blue Juice

"Everything you need to get started!"
Rotor oil and slide grease for day to day use
Mouthpiece brush and snake for cleaning
Polishing cloth to keep it looking great
Price: $15.89
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French Horn Vinyl Snake.
"Keep your horn clean from the inside out!"
Flexible snake cleaner with bristles.
Vinyl coating prevents scratching.
Maintain your instrument at home.
Designed to help you clean the bore.
Price: $6.49
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Holton Rotor Oil.
"Keep your rotary valves working smooth!"
Helps protect against wear.
Eliminates leakage and noise.
Permits moisture to work for you, not against.
Price: $3.99
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Rhythms And Beyond
Price: $7.95
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