Lease To Learn Agreement
Lessee's (Parent) Name: _______
Students Name: _______
School: _______
Teacher: _______
Rental Instrument: _______
M&R: _______
Plan: _______
Accessories: _______
Total: _______
The above instrument is the property of White House of Music, Inc. and is rented to the undersigned.
TERMS - For a monthly rental, the term of this rental shall be for a minimum of 2 months and then charged to your credit card, debit card or checking account on a month-to-month basis, automatically renewed each month until terminated by either party upon written notice.
For a prepaid annual rental, the term of this lease shall be for a minimum of 2 months. After 12 consecutive months, the rental will automatically continue monthly until instrument rental is returned to White House of Music, Inc.
RETURNS - For a prepaid annual rental, the term of this lease shall be for a minimum of 2 months. After 12 consecutive
months, the rental will automatically continue monthly until instrument rental is returned to White House of Music,
In the event this instrument is not returned as required or is damaged beyond repair, the undersigned agrees to
pay a sum equal to 70% of the published list price of the instrument, regardless of the age or previous condition
of the leased instrument. In all cases, the decision of White House of Music, Inc. shall be final. Return
Authorization requests can be made at
REFUNDS - If you terminate your lease early. Refunds are based on the type of agreement you signed. All
agreements are for a minimum of 2 months. Monthly rental customers: No prorated refunds as your contract is
month to month.
Annual Customers: Refunds will be pro-rated through month 8 from the date of your contract. No refunds after month 8.
NON-PAYMENT of RENTAL FEES - The instrument is the property of White House of Music, Inc. If the Customer does not pay, the instrument must be returned to White House of Music, Inc, and past due amounts must be paid. White House of Music, Inc. has permission to pick up the instrument at school.
MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR PLAN (M&R): - All instruments are provided in quality playing condition. This agreement does not require the rental customer to carry coverage of any kind. However, the rental customer is totally responsible for any losses or damage that may occur to the instrument. If the customer elects and pays the monthly service fee, White House of Music, Inc. agrees to maintain the instrument in quality playing condition and repair any physical damage according to the terms of the M & R Plan.
PURCHASE - Band Instrument Purchase Options - At any time during the term of this lease, or at its termination, you may purchase a new or used instrument. If you purchase a NEW student-level instrument of the same type available in the White House of Music Lease-to-Learn program, you will receive a 40% discount off the manufacturer's list price. This discount may not be combined with other discounts or special sale prices. Used instruments and "step-up" or "professional" instruments are also available to you, as a lease customer, at an enhanced discount. The instrument on this lease agreement is NOT available for sale.
Orchestra Instrument Purchase Options - Purchase a new instrument of similar or higher quality and value, and apply 100% of the lease fees from the first twenty- four (24) months of your rental and 50% of all lease fees thereafter. The instrument on this lease agreement is NOT available for sale.